Campaign for Samuel
NB: While donations to this account are NOT tax deductible, a receipt can be issued if you provide the following details after your direct deposit:
Donations can be made via GiveNow.com.au - tax deductible receipts will be generated on request for donations of $10.00 or more. To save on our administrative workload, this is our preferred method to receive (tax deductible) donations for those donors wishing to receive a tax deductible receipt. While there is a small credit card fee deducted from credit card donations, regular automatic monthly direct transfers do not attract any fee.

We will do our best to keep track of any specific offers of help from businesses, associations, professional and trades people.
There are three different types of flier that can be used to help spread the word.
Account details:
Commonwealth Bank - Springwood
BSB: 064-170
Account Number: 10707521
Account Name (Cheques must be in this name): "Samuel Thorne Fund"
A tax deductible receipt will be issued on request and sent to the donor to their nominated email address. Please use the form below to request a receipt. NB: You will need to include direct deposit reference that can be reconciled by us to confirm your deposit before a receipt can be issued.
This is a public, not-for-profit fund run by the Campaign for Samuel Inc. to which the public is invited to contribute. ABN: 88 636 920 376
Tax Deductible Donations - these can be made to the "Samuel Thorne Fund"
Donations to the association: Campaign for Samuel Incorporated
(ABN: 88 636 920 376)
Name: Optional (If left blank, receipt will be issued in the name of the email)
Email: Mandatory so we can send you the receipt.
Subject: Please enter: "Receipt requested for [direct deposit transfer reference]"
Message: Optional message.
Name: Optional (If left blank, receipt will be issued in the name of the email)
Email: Mandatory so we can send you the receipt.
Subject: Please enter: "Receipt requested for [direct deposit transfer reference]"
Message: Optional message.
Account details:
Commonwealth Bank - Springwood
BSB: 064-170
Account Number: 10707513
Account Name (Cheques must be in this name): "Campaign for Samuel Inc."
A non-tax deductible receipt will be issued on request and sent to the donor to their nominated address. Please use the form below to request a receipt. NB: You will need to include direct deposit reference that can be reconciled against our by us to confirm your deposit before a receipt can be issued.