Campaign for Samuel
Our mission is not only to get Samuel home, but to give him joy and ensure his quality of life well into the future and to be able to direct funding to research and treatment for Transverse Myelitis.
Help get Samuel home. Are you a tradie willing to offer your hours to make necessary home modifications? A philanthropist looking for a cause?
It's a long journey ahead for brave Samuel and our family - the first step of which, is getting home. This will require major home modifications, including; ceiling hoists, floor hoists, buying his foot-controlled wheelchair, installing an entire home ventilation system, as well as redesigning the major rooms of the house to cater for his unique, individual needs. Atop of this, two full time carers will need to be with him at all times, and this must be organised and funded before we can bring our boy home to us. Project "Get Samuel Home" is a colossal task and we are relying on your support to achieve this.

It is estimated that the cost of simply getting Samuel home will be verging on $350 000. Government funding does not cover this, nor does private health insurance - he needs your help.
Donations to the Samuel Thorne Fund are tax deductible.
See the sorts of equipment and modifications required.

Samuel - The Real Superman
How Samuel has been affected - click on "The PROGNOSIS" for the details